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    Refund Policy:

    There is a non-refundable deposit of $350 to hold your spot. All other payments made within the first 30 days are refundable minus the $350 deposit. If refunds are requested after first 30 days after initial purchases, all monies paid will be credited towards future sandtray trainings with the facility.


    The Sandscapes: The Kentucky Sandtray Institute is fully committed to complying with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content, and in the treatment of attendees.

    While we go to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all and attempt to anticipate problems, we recognize that complaints will arise.  When problems do present themselves, we will attempt to alleviate complaints as quickly as possible.

    Complaints relative to a speaker, contents of instructional materials being presented, an individual educational style being utilized, or facilities where a training is held should be addressed with Megan Cinnamon, Director of Sandscapes: The Kentucky Sandtray Institute, who will attempt to resolve the matter as expeditiously as possible.

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